When managing IBS, there's often a focus on the low FODMAP diet. However, other food intolerances, such as those to food chemicals and additives, can also cause symptoms in people with IBS. Food chemicals, like salicylates, amines, glutamate, and additives, are found naturally in many foods, including fruits, vegetables, meats, and cheeses, or can be added to processed foods.

For most people, these chemicals don't cause any uncomfortable symptoms. But for some IBS warriors who are more sensitive, they can trigger a wide range of symptoms, including:
Stomach discomfort or pain
Headaches and migraines
Recurrent hives and swelling
Sinus trouble
Fatigue or feeling run down
Flu-like aches and pains

Unlike FODMAP reactions, which only occur throughout your gut, symptoms from food chemical intolerances can occur all over the body. However, like FODMAPs, they do not cause any damage to your body and reactions do not involve your immune system.
The FODMAP diet is a therapeutic diet used in the medical management of IBS. The RPAH elimination diet aims to identify if your symptoms are triggered by chemicals found in foods, rather than carbohydrates. So, they focus on quite different food components.
Some low FODMAP foods can also be high in food chemicals, which is why you may still be getting symptoms while following the low FODMAP diet. Here are some examples...

This is why it’s so important to determine your unique dietary triggers and identify if you have any food intolerances. This allows you to know which foods you can eat safely and won’t trigger your symptoms so you can feel confident and enjoy food again.
So, if you’ve tried different diets without success or the low FODMAP diet hasn’t worked for you, you may have other food intolerances. Personalised support from an expert IBS dietitian is key. You don’t have to survive on only a handful of safe foods.

Instead of randomly cutting foods from your diet, seek personalised support. I can help you determine which elimination diet is best for you and tailor it to your specific needs so you can avoid unnecessary diet restrictions.
When we work together, I will dive deep to uncover your unique triggers, explore delicious options that align with your needs, and empower you to reclaim mealtimes with confidence. If you’re ready to fall in love with food again, CLICK HERE to get started with a Complementary Strategy Call!