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4 Ways To Take Control Of Your IBS

In this post I want to share with you my top 4 ways to take control of your IBS.

Just like there's no sexy, cool, secret weight loss recipe… There's no sexy, cool, secret strategy to taking control of your IBS.

When I reflect back on when I first was first diagnosed with IBS, I remember going to my dietitian and wanting some super fancy way of hitting my goals, but they would tell me over and over, it’s not about fancy diets or strategies, it’s about building sustainable habits and mastering ONE habit before moving onto the next.

Sound familiar?

I'm sure you have also thought this too… and I want to remind you that taking control on your IBS is the exact same thing!

When you are first starting out you do not need a fancy complicated process. I've had so many women come to me saying, “I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've cut out gluten and dairy, tried the FODMAP diet, taken probiotics, digestive enzymes, laxatives, gastrostop, seeing a naturopath, but I’m not sure how I should be eating, I don’t know what information to believe or to follow, and I’m struggling to relieve my symptoms.”

Well it's time to make it simple!

Step 1: Stop trying to search for answers on Google and in Facebook groups.

I bet after looking through all the information on these, you feel even more confused than when you started, right? I see this time and time again and it’s because most of this information is completely inaccurate and often given by completely unqualified people.

Step 2: Focus on adding more foods in, rather than taking them away.

That’s right! I know there’s such a focus on removing foods thinking this will make all your symptoms go away, but this can actually make your symptoms worse by causing something called dysbiosis. This can make IBS symptoms including stomach pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhoea worse. This makes it really hard to identify what foods cause your symptoms because you are likely to be experiencing more severe and frequent symptoms than you usually would. It can also cause a lot of unnecessary stress, anxiety and fear around food.

Step 3: Make self-care a priority. Yes, this is important for managing IBS!

This is one of the most common reasons I see people being unsuccessful in being able to relieve their symptoms and manage their IBS long-term. There is a link between your gut and your brain called the gut-brain axis, this is a constant two-way communication pathway between your gut and your brain. Research shows that there is a significant link between the gut microbiome, the gut-brain axis and IBS symptoms. Therefore, there is also a link between IBS, stress and anxiety.

Stress can reduce the diversity of your gut microbes and can also increase the activity of and stimulate your gut. This can cause IBS symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating, constipation or diarrhoea. Making self-care a priority will help you to improve your gut-brain connection, which will not only help you relieve your symptoms, but also decrease feelings of stress and anxiety.

Step 4: Get the support of an IBS dietitian to guide you every step of the way.

There’s so much misinformation out there, but managing your IBS doesn’t need to be complicated, I did it and I can teach you the same! I teach my clients how to eliminate their bloating, constipation and diarrhoea and take control of their IBS without the overwhelm and stress of them having to try and figure it all out on their own.

These simple steps are what brought me to identifying what foods caused my symptoms, no longer feeling too scared to leave my house and being confident and in control on my IBS. Never underestimate a simple, but effective, strategy!


Are you ready to break free from bloating, constipation or diarrhoea and start taking control of your IBS? CLICK HERE to book a Complementary Strategy Call with me to get started and let's create a nutrition plan that helps you feel confident in your food choices so you can so you can finally find lifetime relief from your IBS!



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